Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 1: Mending Fences and Breaking Walls

I hope to write this each week, we shall see if that happens; however, for now, I'm doing well!

I have now been here for over a week. I've been able to see a week of ministry here in the UK and been busy with all that we have done.

I've enjoyed the time I've spent so far. I've been able to meet the students in Harby, where I'm living and go to their Bible study, and hang out with outside of that time at Lois' birthday! (Happy birthday Lois) Additionally, on Wednesday, two women from Harby came to the Howson's for a prayer meeting. It was wonderful to hear them pray fervently for the Howson's, for the Earlesfield Estate, the church, and for all connected with it.

Sunday was a good time as I went with the Howsons to their church in Nottingham. Basically, we passed Robin Hood on our way there. Additionally, the Earlesfield Community Church meets on Sunday afternoons. 30 people were there this Sunday, 11 children and 19 adults. This was a blessing to see how The Lord has brought many different people to the church.

On Monday, I had the pleasure of cleaning the retreat centre(British spelling) and helped Daniel mend a fence post. Monday felt a bit like working out in Colorado at Sky Corral. It was nice to get out and do that, and listen to the sheep across the lane bleating at us (some of them sound like humans, like the goats that are on youtube).

Tuesday and Thursday we led assemblies in the schools on the estate. We shared with the children the story of Peter walking on the water. Naturally, I was Peter. It was wonderful to see the children listen to a Bible story IN SCHOOL. The teachers were also in there, and we were even able to pray afterward. Although the schools work hard to treat all religion the same (they have a table with the Quran, the Jewish Scriptures, the 1611 KJV, and other religions materials), we are able to share the good news of Christ with the children visually and verbally. We can put it in a way they can easily understand and want to hear. We are working to break down walls on the estate by visiting people on the Estate and having a Bible club with the children after school.

Things are just getting underway here and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

P.S. Happy birthday to Grace H. also! Her's was on Thursday.

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